Exciting News good people.
The Court of Equity will make a decision whether to uphold my request to dismiss the Suppression upon myself and Dr Andrew Katelaris this Friday at 10am in the Supreme Court, Court 3 Hospital Rd Sydney. In the highly inappropriately named matter online called “Christopher v Paul Robert Burton” but that was previously called The Secretary of FACS v PRB and Dr A.
On the 12th of August 2019 I urgently called this Equity Court matter back before His Honour requesting the then over two year, and now 2 1/2 year suppression of myself and Dr Andrew Katelaris be finally dismissed. In my post in October (point 2) I outlined the reasons for this namely.
That the Plaintiff in the matter, the Secretary of FACS was abolished by the royal assent of The Governor on the 1st of July 2019 so there is no Plaintiff in the matter. I think this is a pretty good point because if the Governor can simply change a plaintiff in a court matter without the courts permission we have what is called a separation of powers issue.
That the matter was to be suppressed (by His Honour’s own Judgment in August 2018 even though that is also supressed) until the conclusion of the children’s court proceedings for the child we cannot name. Those proceedings concluded in January 2019 so are well and truly over. I reckon thats big too.
That the child in question is now outside of jurisdiction, i.e not in NSW. i.e how do you apply NSW law to someone in QLD.
Ground four raised further concerns about the use of the Court of Equity to continue to vex us using criminal charges when a criminal remedy was already being sought hence a kind of double jearpardy or at the very least “two cracks at the cherry” which basically is not very equitable. And also as I have never ever knowingly breached any court orders and never been heard that the whole matter is somewhat of an overreach and in my view more an attempt to protect FACS than anything to do with the best interests of the child in question. Also that since 4 million people saw it all and shared it all on social media anyway before this even started in the courts that the entire affair had no utility anyway, it never did, it was just an attempt by the government to use tyranny and oppression to maintain the status quo through generating fear and trying to make examples of us.
So on Friday His Honour will release his Judgement, from my previous experiences these matters normally involve the judge briefly stating the outcome of his judgment then handing over of the papers then a rather quick exit from the court.
If he finds in my favour the exit is at a reasonable pace, if he finds against me the exit is a little quicker and usually the Judges dont read their judgment they just hand it down. So you are welcome to join me but my guess is it will be over in about 5 minutes.
What does interest me independent of the outcome is as to whether the judgement will be made public or suppressed like the rest of our suppression. I don’t like suppressed suppressions because the whole point of pseudonymisation is to enable open public debate whilst protecting the alleged disenfranchised parties, so suppressing a pseudonymised suppression matter is somewhat nonsensical in my view and in a way kinda of speaks for itself really.
In regards to the other two legal matters albeit briefly
The criminal matter is setdown for committal on March 6th 2020 for an entire day as we have raised a constitutional argument against section 105 of the Child Protection Act. Thats going to be a very interesting day in court and well worth attending, Newcastle Local Court.
The collateral abuse claim that I won in the Court of Appeal against the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) has for the time being disappeared back in the District Court, I wrote to the Registrar about this and received no reply but not to worry it will soon be combined with the criminal matter as part of a malicious prosecution so we will get there eventually.
Love to all and perhaps i might say hello to a few of you at legal grounds cafe on Friday from 9am before Court at 10am.
xxx Pastor Paul
