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Vérité Sans Peur

To good people everywhere.

Vérité Sans Peur (pronounced veritay sone purr) is a French word meaning Truth without Fear, this I believe lies at the very foundation of our work together for positive change. Thousands and thousands of people have been negatively impacted by alleged child protection in this country and thousands and thousands of people have been suppressed in fear from speaking about it publicly. Often if they speak the truth they are threatened by the possibility of losing all contact whatsoever with their removed children,  or perhaps they may have only lost one child and they are worried about those they still have being forcibly removed, or their children are being harmed in alleged care and they fear further harm, or they are threatened with legal action or numerous other highly inappropriate activities condoned by our State Governments through the use of covert tyranny and oppression. “Verite Sans Peur” calls you all to awaken and to join us as we fight to expose what is happening, if you are in NSW and you have been impacted by FACS you should join us in Court, the time of complaining on Facebook is over, that  may raise awareness but it will not bring about substantive change.

On March the 6th we have our committal hearing in Newcastle Local Court concerning suppression charges we have been fighting for nearly three years in two court jurisdictions.

We have raised a constitutional issue that will be heard that day ( a full day hearing) as we believe Section 105 of the NSW Child Protection Act is not only unconstitutional it is “Damnatio Memoriae”.

I understand that many people following our Court matters may be somewhat confused by all the different cases and exactly what is occurring but our argument in the OPEN Court in NEWCASTLE on MARCH 6TH FROM 9.30AM strikes at the very heart of how the NSW State Government hides the unlawful removal of children and how it enables State Condoned Child Trafficking and Child Abuse.

Andrew and I are I believe, the first people ever charged under Section 105 of the Child Protection Act and we ask those of you in NSW (especially in Newcastle) to join us on March the 6th at Newcastle Local Court from 9.30am.

Our full argument is attached below, please take the time to read this and remember we are a Representative Democracy and we would like to keep it this way while we can. Everyone is welcome to attend Open Courts providing you of course are respectful of the Court process.

If you have ever been impacted by FACS/DOCS or whatever else they wish to call themselves, please support us and our work, this is how we change laws and only through changing these draconian laws will we ever be able to change what is happening to our children.

Join us as we argue to have section 105 repealed as it does not protect our children it puts them at further risk of harm and prevents all public debate about the activities of Family and Community Services.

Vérité Sans Peur

All You Need Is Love xxx Pastor Paul

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