In a sudden change of direction yesterday in the case of R v Pridgeon, O’Dea, Greer , Doubleday and Ors,
Judge Clare in my view misled by Kings Counsel Mr Deane have now joined the trials back together and turned the mention on March 15 in Brisbane district court to a hearing ( last chance to get this matter withdrawn ) There is now a substantive trial listed from may 22nd that is listed to be at least 4 weeks but if it occurs could run for months.
The defendants currently self represented intend to expose the disclosures of child sexual abuse as a substantive part of their defence. The prosecution and it appears even the courts wish to hide this from the public.
We are witnessing first hand a system that persecutes people for protecting children who have clearly exposed sexual abuse.
If you the public who know what is happening permit this charade to continue then you yourselves are also contributing to a system that is in effect condoning and normalising the sexual abuse of children.
Please join us on the 15th March at Brisbane District Court from 9am (court starts 10am)
Xxx Pastor Paul