As thousands of people commute out of Sydney Australia on their epic annual migration north for the Easter weekend. Where there will be much rejoicing, much drinking of beer, barbecues and the rather gross ceremony of the exchanging of strange chocolate easter eggs that are absolutely terrible for your health. I thought it wise to reflect for a moment on what this weekend really means.
Firstly, this is a weekend where we strangely celebrate, or more correctly remember, the public horrific execution of one of the greatest and most well known activists of the last 2100 years.
Yep, thats right, an activist, a speaker of truth, and with the coming of Anzac Day “lest we forget” or more aptly”I think we forgot” the person more correctly known as Yeshua Ben Yosef (Jesus is a Greek title meaning Son of Zeus) stands as a powerful example to us all of what the Government really does to people that speak the Truth.
I wonder how much has really changed since those times when even today we have a person like Julian Assange a Journalist who has committed no crime, persecuted and ridiculed. We all sit at our computers and watch world governments, including our own pathetic Australian government, as they collude with other powers all over the world and condone and help orchestrate the public murder of a man who for all intensive purposes has done nothing other than simply speak the truth.
I think about all the journalists, news reporters and humble podcasters like myself everywhere dedicated to exposing the truth about our draconian governments and what they really do in the name of God, Truth and Justice, the hypocrisy beggars belief.
My blood boils as our own Government spends the two days before Easter arguing on mainstream media about the immense cost of climate change policies from both major parties and how we cannot afford to change. And yet in their profound ignorance they overlook the blindingly obvious, there is no economy without an environment because even an economy requires an environment in which to exist.
Our own Government, responsible for the deaths of over a million Iraqis and numerous other disgraceful abominations as we play lap dog to multi national foreign governments and corporations, a government which in truth has no legitimacy. A Government that in essence behaves exactly as the romans did over 2000 years ago.
We see the yellow vests, the extinction rebellion and numerous other groups all around the world mobilising as we the people recognise that the fox is guarding the hen house. Governments are now so devoid of any true spiritual foundation that all they appear to think about is economics, money, money, money. Meanwhile the Garden of Eden is raped, abused and consumed at the behest of these so called leaders driven by greed and an insatiable desire for power. Further to this they are directly responsible for the senseless murder of millions of innocent people through their continued worship of war.
So Jesus died for us, he spoke the truth and so many were moved by his words that the powers at the time needed to make an example of him to continue their reign of tyranny and fear. The stories are always written by the victors.
So this is Easter, and what have we done? what has humanity actually achieved in over 2000 years? have we learnt anything?
Oh foolish mankind, you made a terrible mistake over 2000 years ago and those same mistakes continue today, so I guess you can eat the chocolate eggs and get drunk whilst those in power keep nailing good people to crosses everywhere, or you can just lay mute in fear and ignorance and turn your heads away, but then you too are complicit for there comes a time where even silence becomes betrayal.
Or ……………..
If you want a different outcome why not try doing something different, get active and become the change you wish to see in the world, be a spiritual warrior, walk the teachings, don’t get caught in all the division and media fluff, and lets together create the word we want based on the highest moral and ethical principles as taught by true Christ Consciousness. At least when your breathing stops, and mark my words this will happen to everyone of you at some point, you will die knowing you tried, in my view it is far better to fight a righteous war than to do nothing.
All You Need is Love
xxx Pastor Paul
Paul Robert Burton is a Minister of Religion, Bard and Activist Protector, he is the President of Our Land Our Water Our Future and a member of the Holy Ramakrishna Order. He is currently fighting draconian suppression laws enforced upon him to suppress truth. If you wish to support Paul and his work you can do so here.
