Hi Facebook friends and all, just a quick update and a big thank you. Firstly, plates handed in on my Van and i believe it disappears from outside my “Hamilton Nanna Protector Refuge” today. I didn’t want to watch !!!
Secondly, huge hugs and big thank you to all of you that have contributed over the last few days to the go fund me thingy you all put up. I’m working a little in Newcastle and got $2500 in the bank , i have an APRA music royalty check for about $1400 due any day, then whammo a go fund me page with more. Its actually been kinda cool to stop somewhere for a little while and regroup. Thanks to all your help, i’ll be up with wheels one way or another over the next month or so, and i’ll be all ready to kick arse in 2017.
lots of love to all xxx PRB